domingo, 4 de janeiro de 2009


6/22 – 7/22
Year 2009 Overview

As we enter the Golden Age of Aquarius, you are ready to receive all the blessings that are there for you, especially in the areas of communications and relationships.

Being understood and getting the responses you desire helps you believe in your ability to succeed and reach your highest potential. Your focus is excellent, and you know what you want (sei??? O.o). Use this to your advantage when working with others, but don't demand that they see your ideas as visionary -- even if you do. As ideas start flowing freely to you, make sure you articulate your insights clearly.

This year, you will be strongly motivated by transformation, especially in romantic unions. When balanced in your heart and mind, you easily express your emotions and are quick to support others. It is important for you to have a partner who is willing to explore different ways of doing things. You will experience many changes as you learn new ways of expressing yourself.

As you make this shift, avoid putting restrictions on yourself and stopping the flow. You are learning to behave in a new positive way, not worrying about the outcome. This will curb your need to control situations and enable you to take your relationships -- work and personal -- to a higher level of consciousness.

Então tá, né.

5 comentários:

Cori disse...

Caraaaaaaaaaaaca apavorou esse horoscopo hein? (sou de Cancer tb, ow ies)
De onde vc pegou?


Anônimo disse...

Também queria saber de onde, pra ver o meu. Acho que vou botar trecho disso aí no Google, LMAO.



Anônimo disse...

Nada feito, não apareceu nada além do seu blog mesmo. :/ Diz de onde é depois!


Dani (de novo)

Lilian Custodio disse...

ainda num fui atras do meu!

Bjusss ;)

Carlinha disse...

I loved that kind of thing Bela. Haven't seen mine yet this year. I'm still getting back on my feet from the trip. Where did you get this one?
Luv, lil' Carla