sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

What is it?

It can turn a dreary day into a day that's bright and exciting. It can transform a mundane task from a burden into a joy.
It can make wonderful, valuable possibilities suddenly appear all around you. It can draw positive people and positive experiences toward you in any situation.

It can open the door to a world filled with abundance. It can enable you to learn, to achieve, to grow and to prosper.

It can change problems into opportunities. It can pick you up and get you moving forward after even the most difficult setbacks.

What is it and what makes it so powerful? It's your attitude, and when it is positively focused it can truly change your world.

For the world in which you live is shaped by the way you choose to see it. Carry a positive, thankful, forward-looking attitude with you, and wherever you go, you'll be able to do great and wonderful things.

-- Ralph Marston

4 comentários:

Pan disse...

Lindo, lindo texto!! ^^
Adorei e concordo em gênero, número e grau com o q está escrito. =)

Carlinha disse...


Paula disse...

Lindo texto...

Bela disse...

Oie Bela,

Vc me perguntou da Curves, né>
Entao funciona assim, é uma academia com varios aparelhos em forma de circulo, dai a professora fica no meio dando explicações e vc troca a cada 15sessoes de cada exercicio durante 30 minutos.To gostando pq qdo começo a cansar acaba!rs
